Explore places on a map. Filter objects by category or country. See photos of the popular sights. Check ratings so you know, which places are mostly liked by other travelers.
Explore the Map
Explore the map, find your favorite places and get inspired for the new adventures
Explore places on a map. Filter objects by category or country. See photos of the popular sights. Check ratings so you know, which places are mostly liked by other travelers.
Select Places that you like the most and add into "Want to Visit" list. Now you have your travel plan in your pocket. Easy and simple to keep yourself well planned.
Found new and exiting sight and want to keep a good memory of it? Create a new map and add your object to the map. Make object public or keep it personal.
Have fun and good memories by checking places that you have visited. Share your findings and new destinations with your friends. Explore new places and make plans for the future.
With multiple maps and multiple places you can learn new things about geography, history, biology and much more. After all, everyone loves knowledge.
Add new objects to a map, upload photos, describe your objects and share it with your friends. Let your travel memories become an inspiration for other travelers.